From the Desk of the Principal - Dr. Anthony Ingenito

Montgomery Academy - Winter 2025

I met with the Student Council on January 7th, regarding details and plans for the upcoming Valentine’s Day Dance on Thursday, February 13th. They discussed plans and agreed to follow up with posters throughout the school building in order to generate excitement and are planning additional activities throughout the event in order to engage students of all ages throughout the dance. Additionally, they discussed plans to implement a new initiative of Citizen of the Month designed to recognize those students who demonstrate kindness, caring and respect to those in the MA School Community. They also discussed plans to roll out a Canned Food Drive for the local food bank and are well under way with making posters and advertising. Lastly, the Student Council reported on the recent Holiday Coat Drive sharing that they collected over 80 coats and will be dropping them off at a local Church for distribution for those in need. Thank you Student Council for all your efforts.

Upcoming Events

Tips on Staying Healthy this Winter from our Student Council.

Drink water.

Winter may be a good time for hot cocoa and cider, but always make water your drink of choice. While hot beverages can be great for warmth, remember to keep it balanced with at least 8 cups of water per day. A glass of water with and between each meal can keep you hydrated, healthy and ready to fight off any germs winter may bring.

Sleep enough.

Don't neglect the value of sleep. Do all that you can to stick to your typical sleep schedule, even limit, daytime napping and large meals before bed. These factors can interfere with a good night's rest.

Keep the germs away

Three words: Wash your hands. This is one of the best ways to avoid getting sick and spreading common winter illnesses, such as colds. Germs accumulate through nearly everything you do or touch, so wash your hands frequently. Wash your hands for at least 20 seconds, scrubbing all surfaces and rinsing well.

A Message From Your Specials

Project Based Learning with John

As a tribute to Black History Month, Project Based Learning classes will focus on various African American painters, cooks, actors and musicians who have had an impact and influence on American culture in the past and in the present day. Some of these important figures include Jack Whitten (painter), Lynette Liadom-Boakye (painter), Jean Michel Basquiat (painter), Bryant Terry (chef), Sister Rosetta Tharpe (musician), the Neville Brothers (musicians), Michael B. Jordan (actor), Viola Davis (actress) and Curtis Mayfield (musician). Various interactive educational activities will be presented in a fun, creative manner that will inspire students to learn more about African American cultural history.

Jean Michel Basquiat (painter)

Music with Elaine

In honor of Black History Month the students will have lessons on famous Black musicians. They will learn the history of Motown, Blues, and Rap, with famous Black founders of those genres.

Art with De’borah

Back in December, the students created patch work paper quilt squares of the Underground Railroad. The quilt will be on display in the hallways throughout the month of February.

What’s Going on Around Our School?

E2 with Amanda

E2 has kicked off the month by celebrating Black History Month! We are learning about inspiring figures such as Rosa Parks, Barack Obama, Martin Luther King Jr., Frederick Douglass, and many others who have made significant contributions to their communities and country. This month, our elementary students will enjoy a special visit from the Bernards Township Library, where we will hear engaging stories and explore new books. We are also excited to resume our YMCA swimming rotation—don’t forget to bring your swimsuit and towel every Monday!

In math, students are thrilled about Friday Fun Math, where they participate in handson games that strengthen their skills while making learning enjoyable. As always, we look forward to our monthly visit from the therapy dogs, a favorite time for everyone! Looking forward to another month of learning and fun!

E5 with Jenna

In January, E5 attended a performance of the Mayhem Poets at MPAC. The students enjoyed the blend of hip-hop, comedy, and spoken poetry that the performing trio shared with the audience.

For February, E5 is looking forward to building models of plant and animal cells with tasty goodies!! We're also excited for the upcoming Valentine's Day Dance!

HS4 with Nancy

For Black history month, HS4 created 31 laminated posters featuring inspirational Black icons, each with a quote, to display on the High school wall. Additionally, we purchased two banners hilighting 45 influential black leaders. These banners are displayed in the cafeteria and downstairs hallway. In addition, HS4 will be visiting the library to gather information for a research paper on black heros.

We are also proud to share that Abhi Kuntala recently won a prestigious award for his piano playing and will be

performing at Carnegie Hall March 1st. The event is the American Allegro Fine Arts Association Annual Young Music Competition Grand Winners Recital - Way to go Abhi!!